Pedego bikes are made with quality in mind. The battery is large enough for you to be able to ride all day and enjoy. You can get some exercise using the pedal assist mode or if you like ride it like a motorcycle. The length of time the battery will last depends on many factors, the weather such as rain or wind, the size of individual riding bike, but with average size person on board the bike will take you all over Twillingate and back with a range of 60 to 70km. The adventure awaits.......
See Pedego Store in St. John's store for more information @ › pedego_dealers › pedego-st-johns
E-Bike Saftey
Directly from the Government of Nfld Highway Traffic Act Website
Traffic Laws for Bicyclists
Section 129
(1) Except as provided in this section, a person riding a bicycle upon a highway has the same rights and duties as a driver.
(2) A person who is riding a bicycle,
(a) shall not ride on a sidewalk;
(b) subject to paragraph (a), shall ride as near as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of a roadway;
(c) shall not ride abreast of another person who is riding a bicycle upon a roadway;
(c.1) shall wear a bicycle helmet that complies with the regulations and shall have the chin strap of the helmet securely fastened under the chin;
(d) shall keep at least 1 hand on the handle bars;
(e) shall not ride other than upon or astride a regular seat of the bicycle;
(f) shall not use the bicycle to carry more persons at one time than the number for which it is designed and equipped;
(g) shall not carry on the bicycle an object of a kind which is of a size, weight or shape or so placed that it may interfere with the proper operation or control of the bicycle;
(h) shall not ride a bicycle on a highway where signs prohibit its use; and
(i) shall not ride a bicycle on a roadway where there is a usable path intended for the use of bicycles adjacent to the roadway.
(3) A parent or custodial guardian of a person under 16 years of age shall not authorize or knowingly permit that person to ride a bicycle unless he or she is wearing a bicycle helmet as required by paragraph (2)(c.1).
(4) A person who is 16 years of age or older who fails to comply with or otherwise contravenes paragraph (2)(c.1) is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalty prescribed in the Schedule.
(5) A parent or custodial guardian who fails to comply with or otherwise contravenes subsection (3) is guilty of an offence and is liable on summary conviction to the penalty prescribed in the